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How to reduce website bounce rate

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In this post I’ll target How to reduce website bounce rate, especially if you are new and just created a blog. If there is one reason your blog has a high bounce rate and people visit your blog but without performing any clicks don’t worry you come to the right place.

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Why we need to reduce bounce rate

Simple as that: If visitors to your blog stop by for free advice but don’t interact, you get nothing. You probably won’t even know it either.

This is of course assuming you have some good content people are reading, which is an assumption I’m more than willing to make.

The idea here is that you need to ask readers to interact with your blog (leave comment, subscribe, share it with your best friend) because this is where you gain.

Just keep in mind, you need people to click around.

How to reduce website bounce rate

#1 Title not descriptive

Simple to fix this one, you need to avoid vague titles and use more descriptive titles.

You can use Google Trends to look up the popular keywords and phrases surrounding your topic. Include a few of them with actionable verbs in your titles to reduce bounces and improve traffic.

#2 Blog does not appear a wealth of knowledge

Choose a WordPress theme that lists your post entires in snippet form down the homepage. Many readers enjoy a good scroll until they find an interesting read, which they hopefully click on.

#3 Colour and branding matters

You don’t need to use too many colours as it doesn’t make to the viewer. Most of the times is disturbing to have more than two colours. One colour for headers and logos alike, and one colour for links and clickable things.

#4 Know your audience

You need the right audience to land to your blog. If the wrong audience arrive to your website you may not get clicks. You must think about what your right audience (target audience) is can cause you to create things more readers do click on.

5# Content linking

Just put a list of your best content or trending popular posts in your sidebar. Make it a sticky widget if you need to.

6# Your menu not getting clicks

Avoid complex menus, make it simple. Catchy categories would do the trick, but don’t forget contact and about us pages.

7# Call to action buttons

Include actions buttons to your pages in your intro and footer. Always should have them even if they are exquisite.

8#Too much text

You don’t need to have too much dense text and big paragraphs.  Just break it up or reposition it so your points get better and better down the page.

9# Poor fonts on website

Use proven readable fonts like Helvetica, Georgia or Arial and nothing too far off the beaten path unless you’ve tested it or observed a blog you admire using it.

10# Website header is a mess

The first thing a reader see it’s your website header. If it a mess what do expect ???🙂

Align logo with navigation menu and a skinnier header get’s readers to your content quicker.


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What’s working best for you?

Which of the above strategies you have used to reduce bounce rate?

Let me know in the comments section below. 🙃



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