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Archive, videos, tips and tricks published on Panayiotis Georgiou website check out the latest tutorials on Android N
Enable Developer Options on Android device
If you desire to take a bit more control of your Android device but aren’t sure where to start, might we suggest…
Android Studio Shortcuts for Mac OS X
Android Studio brings tons of keyboard shortcuts that helps developers to keep hands more on keyboard rather than…
Manage paid orders and payments settings from the Google Play Developer Console
Google Play Developer Console announced the improvement of the merchant experience for developers who have paid…
Android Switching Between Activities – Example
If you are a beginner in Android development, the first thing you wish to do is to create two screens and try to…
Android Navigation Drawer Example
In this tutorial we’ll implement a Navigation Drawer in our android application. Android navigation drawer is a…
Android start activity once notification clicked
The post will demonstrate how we can pass intent to start activity to notification, to start activity once user…
Github Hiding Api keys Tutorial
The post with show how you can hide api keys and stop your private key being pushed to Git.
Check out the…
Android 7.1 Developer Preview now available
The Android 7.1 Nougat Developer Preview is now available and gives you everything you need to test your app on the…