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How to uninstall the GlobalProtect App from Macbook
Recently I have install GlobalProtect vpn on my Macbook and found it very difficult to unistall it since it was opening on startup.!-->…
How to Stop DS_Store File Creation on Shared Network Drives on macbook
Macbook creates a .DS_Store file in every folder you view in Finder. This file stores metadata about that folder’s contents as well!-->…
Make Query URL using swift 3
Some times we need to extract some data or get the specific key data from URL. In order to achieve that we need to break the whole…
How to fix damaged app message on macOS Sierra
Updated to macOS Sierra? Can’t run an app download from the internet? Learn how to solve ‘This App Is Damaged’ error in macOS Sierra…
Upgrade iPhone with iOS 11 Beta
Last week, Apple introduced their new mobile operating system for apple products at WWDC on 5th of June 2017. The post will show…
How to improve your app ranking in iOS App store
More than 2 million apps in the iOS App Store, with thousands of similar apps overwhelming every category and subcategory. These…
Modify Shell Path – macOS Sierra using Terminal
The shell path for a user in macOS or OSX is a set of locations in the filing system whereby the user has permissions to use certain…
Error Handling in Swift
When calling a method that may cause a failure, you normally pass it with an NSError object (as a pointer). If there is an error,…