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joi Validation Tutorial
You should never, ever trust provided data submitted by users. Therefore, you should validate the request…
Node.js and NPM
I might have covered the Node.js and NPM installation back in my first post regarding the installation of node.js…
Previously we have seen the steps to install node.js on macOS Sierra, you can check the installation guide here.…
Stream Instagram Photos to Website – jQuery example
The post will demonstrate how you can stream Instagram photos directly to your website. When you post new photos…
Installing node.js on OSX – macOS Sierra
Since I have decided to explore more the MEAN stack I have decided to create this tutorial for node.js beginners. …
Ad Blocker Detector with Javascript
Advertisements are very important for any post published in internet. This is what decides the person’s revenue.…
React.js First Attempt
You've heard about this UI library called React and want to see what it's about. Or maybe someone told you to come…
PHP-Ajax Contact Form With Captcha
Contact forms are one of the most common elements found on a web page, and they can be used to gather just about…