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Mobile Development
Android L Developer Preview – Camera2 API
Ankur Kotwal presents the Camera2 API in Android L, which is designed as a very flexible and unified pipeline for all camera related…
Connect to Dropbox using Android
In this tutorial we will learn how to create an Android application for uploading a file on Dropbox!
Dropbox is a popular free…
Google Play Services 4.4
Another release of Google Play services is out - version 4.4.
This release includes a blockbuster announcement: Street View…
Google Play Services 4.3
This video introduce all new things you can do with the new released Google Play services 4.3. This release includes two new APIs…
Leaf meter International SpaceApps Challenge 2014
Leaf meter is a project developed for the International SpaceApps challenge on the weekend 12-13 April 2014. SpaceApps is a NASA…
Unable to upload new APK file to Android Play store [Resolved]
The post will show you how to resolve the upload problem of a a new apk file to Android Play store.
Build mobile apps with Chrome WebView (video)
Build mobile apps with Chrome WebView - Chrome Dev Summit 2013 (Matt Gaunt)
Display current date on your Android app
This post simply shows how you can get current date and time inside Android layout and insert it in a TextView. Also it covers how…