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Display formatted date/time using String.format()
Examples of using String.format() to display formatted calendar
Android L for game development
Check out what's new for games in the upcoming Android L release. Learn about new features in the OpenGL graphics and OpenSL
Android Studio Shortcuts for Mac OS X Users
Android Studio brings keyboard shortcuts that helps developers to keep hands more on keyboard rather than relying much on the…
Get Your Development Environment Ready for Android L
Android L Developer Preview is an early release of the upcoming Android platform. This post shows how to get your development…
Bluetooth Low Energy
Bluetooth Low Energy is an incredibly exciting technology with the promise of unlocking a myriad of use cases. This session will…
Building Advanced UIs for Android Wear
How to write apps for Android Wear devices that need to support complex interactions with the user. This video will describe the…
Android L Developer Preview – Camera2 API
Ankur Kotwal presents the Camera2 API in Android L, which is designed as a very flexible and unified pipeline for all camera related…
What’s new in WebView in the Android KitKat/L
This video introduce the new features of WebView that shipped in the KitKat/L release of Android.