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What’s New in Android 4.4 (video)
The latest version of Google's mobile OS (KitKat) launched alongside Nexus 5, the newest handset is Nexus 5 and the second…
SDK doesn’t exist Mac problem
When you migrate a project from one computer to another be extra cautious. Recently I tried to import some projects…
Android Sliding Fragments
The post shows a useful video how to animate Fragment Transitions in Android platform.
This video discusses several different…
Kali Basic Commands
File Operations commands
pwd Print Name Of Current/Working Directory
cd Changing The…
Google App engine: Getting Started
In this post, you will learn about the platform and how to successfully launch applications. Throughout the series, we will be…
Android Permissions
The permissions provided by the Android system can be found at Manifest.permission. Any application may also define and enforce…
How to update to Android 4.3
Google couple of days ago announced Android 4.3, a sweeter version of Jelly Bean that includes great new features for users and…
How to fix WordPress Date problem
This post will demonstrate how to fix the date problem inside wordpress.