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Diploma in Digital Marketing

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Last April, I have completed the online course “Diploma in Digital Marketing” an online course from Shaw academy. I thoroughly recommend to anyone wanting to learn more or just brush up on existing knowledge!


Social media has become one of the dominant forms of communication in the digital space, drastically altering the traditional relationship between a consumer and a business. Modern professionals need to know how to leverage these important marketing channels to grow their business and protect its reputation. This 10 part course offered by the Shaw Academy provides students with a solid foundation for those intending to plan, execute, and analyse social media campaigns.


  1. Live lessons from digital marketing professionals focused on practical methods that drive growth, business. and engagement
  2. Course suitable for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced
  3. Fully interactive bonus Q& A sessions
  4. Learn at your own pace with access to recordings of live classes available 24/7
  5. Full support provided throughout and upon completion
  6. Fully accredited course with Diploma – excellent for CVs
  7. One to One Evaluation with a professional marketer


Check the Course here

Last but not least The Diploma



**All courses at Shaw Academy are independently accredited by an internationally recognised body for CPD purposes. This course is also accredited by the CPD Certification Service, which is an independent body that ensures qualifications are in line with the most current professional standards

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