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Which of the following statements is true about Multi-Channel Funnel (MCF) reports?

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Which of the following statements is true about Multi-Channel Funnel (MCF) reports?

  • You can create your own custom channel grouping in addition to the default MCF Channel grouping.
  • The channel labels that you see in Multi-Channel Funnels reports are defined as part of the MCF Channel Grouping.
  • When you share a Custom Channel Grouping, only the configuration information is shared. You data remain private.
  • All of these statements are true.

Correct answer is:

  • All of these statements are true.

Explanation: By default, the channel labels that you see in Multi-Channel Funnels reports (Paid Search, Organic Search, Social Network, etc.) are defined as part of the MCF Channel Grouping. If you have specific analysis requirements, you may wish to create your own Custom Channel Grouping(s), each with its own set of labels. When you share a Custom Channel Grouping, only the configuration information is shared. Your data remains private. The following channel labels are defined as part of the MCF Channel Grouping and are the labels used by default in your reports. The channel definitions are not case sensitive.

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