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How to create your own custom YouTube URL?

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One of the very important details that you should pay attention to is the URL address of your channel. The URL address should always be easy and simple so users can more easily access your channel. Check out How to create your own custom YouTube URL?

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Making videos is one thing, and getting people to watch them is another thing.

How to optimize your Youtube videos for search


Your channels URL address should not be some random code, it should be a representation of your channel. You have one chance to claim your right to create a custom URL address, but only if you are eligible. How to become eligible for a custom URL address on Youtube

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In order to claim your custom Youtube URL address you should need the following:

1. Think of an easy and appropriate URL address
2. Open your YouTube account settings
3. Click “Advanced”
4. Click the link to claim your URL address
5. Insert the name of your URL address
6. Claim your URL address after you are absolutely 100% sure that that address it the right one for you!

**Note: You cannot change your URL address once you’ve chosen one. So, it’s very important to make sure that your URL address is simple and represents your channel.

How to create your own custom YouTube URL?

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More ways to get paid to Youtube creators while Youtube launches channel memberships, merchandise and premieres.


That’s it for now. 🙂

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