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How to optimize your Youtube videos for search

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Making videos is one thing, and getting people to find and watch them is another thing. Literally, 4x more customers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it. This post will give you the steps that need and show you How to optimize your Youtube videos for search.

So let’s get started.. 🙂

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How to optimize your Youtube videos for search

Step 1. Choose your keywords carefully
The first thing you need to think about is what search terms (keywords) do you want people to find your video under?


Step 2. Write a long video description
Write out a detailed video description about whats in your video. Make sure you use all of your keywords multiple times and even use other words that are relevant to your keywords. So if one of your keywords is skate park you may want to also use the words skating park, skate rink, and skating. This helps YouTube get an understanding of your overall topic. Aim to write between 300 – 500 words for the best results.


Step 3. Include your keywords in the video title
Make sure the title of your video includes your keywords. Here you can merge multiple keywords together. For example if your keywords are skate park tricks, outdoor skate park, and dustin romeo, your title could be “Dustin Romeos best outdoor skate park tricks”

Step 4. Use your keywords in your video
When you record your video make sure you say your keywords within the video. YouTube uses artificial intelligence to listen to your video and uses that to help show your video to relevant audiences. Just make sure you use your keywords naturally while talking.

Step 5. Include your keywords in the file name of the uploaded video
Change your file name to include your videos keywords. Remember that YouTube uses every little piece of information to help it identify what your video is about. Instead of having the file name as dustins-video.mpeg you could rename it 10-best-skate-park-tricks.mpeg

Step 6. Transcribe your video
Once your video is uploaded go back and transcribe your video. For those of you who dont know what this means; its the text (closed captions) that appears on your video. Make sure you add accurate transcriptions so that Google and YouTube can understand everything said in your videos easily.

Read more
- How to Fix ads.txt error message on Google AdSense account
- Force WebSite over HTTPS SSL with htaccess
- SEO Trends 2018

That’s it for now. 🙂

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to my YouTube Channel for video tutorials.

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