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JSConf Budapest 2019

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JSConf Budapest is a 2-day, non-profit, for-the-community by-the-community conference about JavaScript in Budapest, Hungary. JSConf Budapest 2019 will take place between September 26-27, 2019.

We aim to be the JSConf of the region around Eastern-Middle Europe, an area so diverse in culture, people and views. A strictly nonprofit, open-sourced and community driven conference for the community of JavaScript, with the purpose to build and educate about new technologies, ideas and culture.

Tickets include:

  • 2 days filled with talks from speakers worldwide
  • 2 evenings with parties for you
  • breakfast and lunch on every conference day, dinner on the first day, all with vegan options
  • artisan coffee selection by baristas


We plan to bring back workshops!

  • They will be free for every ticket holder
  • You can pick one workshop
  • They will have limited seats, so workshops are available on first-come-first serve

Conference Location

Akvárium Klub, Budapest, Hungary

Literally under a pool of water, this great club was our venue in 2016. 

You can use discount code: CYJSC19 at checkout

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That’s it for now. 

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