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Android 5.0
The post shows how to successfully launch an AVD emulator for Android 5.0.
Error:compileSdkVersion android-21 requires compiling with JDK 7
During my last project on Android 5.0 Reveal Animation, this error occurred: Error:compileSdkVersion android-21 requires…
Reveal Animations on Android 5.0
Android 5.0, added in API level 21, introduce ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal (View view, int centerX, int centerY, float…
Android ProgressDialog and AsyncTask
The tutorial is an example of ProgressDialog with Async Task.
ProgressDialog is a dialog showing a progress indicator…
Android ScrollView Example
The tutorial will show you, how to use Android ScrollView component and create a simple example using various ScrollView…
Check if your Android device support Bluetooth Low Energy
The post will demonstrate if your Android device support Bluetooth Low Energy.
Android 4.3 (API Level 18) introduces built-in…
How to connect Localhost in your MAC to your Android Device OR Android Emulator
The post shows how to access localhost:
on Android Device and on Android Emulator
List running services on Android device
The post demonstrates how to list the running services on your Android device. The method getRunningServices(int maxNum) of …