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google analytics
The User ID feature is commonly used with which of the following website layouts?
Users can create an account on your website…
True or False: When a new view is created, it will show the historical data from the first view you…
True or False: When a new view is created, it will show the historical data from the first view you created for the property.…
How would you determine the mobile ecommerce conversion rate for paid traffic (CPC)?
How would you determine the mobile ecommerce conversion rate for paid traffic (CPC)?
Go to Audience > Mobile > Overview.…
The User ID feature lets you associate engagement data from multiple devices and different sessions…
The User ID feature lets you associate engagement data from multiple devices and different sessions with unique IDs. In order to use…
The Google Analytics SDK or tracking code sends campaign and traffic source data through a number of…
The Google Analytics SDK or tracking code sends campaign and traffic source data through a number of different field. Which of the…
What analysis tool would you use to analyze the behavior of new customers vs. returning customers on…
What analysis tool would you use to analyze the behavior of new customers vs. returning customers on your website?
Real Time…
Which of the following is a benefit of using segments in your data analysis?
Which of the following is a benefit of using segments in your data analysis?
You can compare behavior metrics for groups of…
You have defined goal X such that a particular PDF download qualifies as a goal conversion. A user…
You have defined goal X such that a particular PDF download qualifies as a goal conversion. A user comes to your site once and…