Where is my PostgreSQL logs?
Here’s how to find the location of the postgres logs on my machine, setting them to logging everything, and watching it’s output.
1. Finding postgres log location
(Personal TLDR: try /usr/local/var/log/postgres.log
or /opt/homebrew/var/log/postgres.log
You can query your database settings to see where logs are stored.
- Open psql shell as superuser with
. - (Optionally) connect to database with
\c mydb
Display log directory with “`sql select setting from pg_settings where name =’log_directory’; setting
It may return an absolute path (like `/usr/local/var/log`), or a relative path like `log` above.In the case of a relative path, it's from the data directory. You can find the data directory with```sqlSHOW data_directory; data_directory-------------------------/usr/local/var/postgres
The log is then located in /usr/local/var/log/postgres.log
2. Logging everything
Note: this is not a great idea in unless you’re debugging locally. It’ll punish your performance.
You can see the last logs with tail /usr/local/var/log/postgres.log
By default, only errors are logged here. To turn on logging every query, find your config file.
psql> SHOW data_directory;> data_directory> -------------------------> /usr/local/var/postgres
Your config file is then in /usr/local/var/postgres/postgres.conf
. Here, set
log_statement = 'all'
And restart your postgres with pg_ctl reload
(or brew services restart postgresql
3. Watch new logs
# log location from step 1tail -f /usr/local/var/log/postgres.log
That’s it for now.
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